Friday, January 22, 2010

If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
Be cautious over advice to ask the sender to misrepresent the value of the goods or to wrongly state it is a gift. In law, you are the importer and legally responsible for the Customs Declaration, and therefore also liable to prosecution if the declaration is found to be incorrect. If the value of the case is 拢18 or more, it will be liable for VAT. Note that VAT is charged on the entire value of the packet including the face value of any postage. Customs duty will only be charged if it would amount to 拢7 or more. Be aware also that the Post Office may levy a collection charge if it has to pick up the packet from a port of entry etc.

This may not be what you want to hear! But it's as well to answer your question accurately than to give you suggestions that may end up being more costly for you.

If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
tell them to put the laptop as a gift so you pay less and email the person you buying it from.

If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
yes you will pay customs fees. so when you add to the cost of shipping etc it can get expensive!If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
Yes you will and as it is Government money you owe they will hunt you down to the end of the earth and send in the bailiffs. Do not bother.

Trust me I'm not a doctor!
You will, unless, some else buys it for you and then ships it as a ';Gift';.

yws and its quite alot

My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?

ing her , and once customs searched ner baggage she was detained and was asked where she got them from, so of course she didnt know they were they in the first place,. So now they are threatening to deport her back to ghana and imprison her . I talked with her mother who said she did receive a call from someone over their, I have to assume it was from customs or immigration , and she stated she was so eager to hear about her daughter, that she never asked who or where they were calling from . Her daughter was actually on a trip to visit me here in the U.S. ,.,, now her mother tells me she is being kept in a hotel waiting for a decision to be made on whether or not they will prosecute her or deport her or both . They are asking for documents for the ownership of the gold bars , which she does not have . What can she do, what can I do , her friend in america ? Who do i contact in amsterdam, Germany(schipol) airport is where this took place , can any one tell me what can be done if anything ?My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?
Schiphol airport is the airport closest to Amsterdam which is in the Netherlands not Germany.

Firstly I have to say it, this strikes me as a very elaborate scam being worked up. How do you know this girl? Just from the internet and this is your first meeting? If so, then alarm bells should ring and ring and not stop ringing. Take a lot of care that suddenly she will need money to extricate herself from this situation and that you are the only one to help (etc etc etc), and this seems like a scenario which is just surreal.

If on the remote chance it is true, then there is actually nothing you can do about it (and actually it is not even smart to get involved in something like this). The Dutch customs %26amp; immigration services will investigate and act on the results of these investigations. No plea from you will change the circumstances. Deportation usually takes place very quickly in these cases and she would be held in the airport and not in a hotel (which also makes it very suspicious to me). They would not allow her to leave the airport because of a risk of fleeing (and that she would need a visa to do so on the basis of her Ghanian nationality anyway)

So please please tread very carefully with this. I smell a very big rat with this.

For example (similar although not the same) read the following story of a scam鈥?/a>My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?
Then it is definately a scam and I am so glad that you asked this online before you got scammed. These people are despicable lowlifes and I am really glad that you did not get scammed

Best of luck

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What did you say your ';friends'; mothers name was. I need some gold bars. This story sounds wrong. Have you ever carried gold. It's REAL heavy. A gold bar weighs a whole lot. There's NO WAY you could carry it without knowing.

How many gold bars did she have?
i feel really sorry for you. i dont really have an answer but i just wanted you to know that my heart goes out to you and your friend.
You need the truth, gold is heavy, you notice it
I'm assuming we're talking about a relatively small amount of gold here, as a gold bar like you see in Fort Knox weighs way more than your friend would be able to carry by herself, much less check at the airport!

At any rate, find out where Ghana has an embassy in Europe and call them about your friend's problem. They'll at least be able to provide legal assistance for her.

Oh, and call her mother and tell her what an idiot she is. At best, the mom can expect the gold to be confiscated on the suspicion your friend was trying to smuggle it for criminal purposes.
  • eye look
  • My wife snuck some of her lacy lingerie into my suit case & made me look silly in front of the customs lady do?

    you think this is funny or crossing the line ?

    I had pulled a few pranks on her and this was her way of getting me back!

    She went in a different line and when the lady asked if the babydoll nighty was mine I said No, but my wife yelled over that it was mine. Since it looked like it would fit the lady at customs started giggling and seemed to enjoy holding up a number of the panties my wife had put in my suitcase and looking at me and laughing!My wife snuck some of her lacy lingerie into my suit case %26amp; made me look silly in front of the customs lady do?
    I went through customs one time and when the customs agent opened my suitcase, all of my dirty underwear tumbled out. I was 19...and absolutely mortified.

    The great smelling Italian hottie who was standing next to me, looked away and feigned embarrassment. The guard leaned towards me and told me not to worry...this kind of stuff happens all the time.

    And yeah...I do think it was pretty funny.My wife snuck some of her lacy lingerie into my suit case %26amp; made me look silly in front of the customs lady do?
    You could have reported this customs' lady for laughing, it was not her place. Imagine all the homosexuals that travel and carry all kind of girly stuff with them, the whole airport would be a laughing bunch of idiots. They have to respect, its your right.

    As for what your wife did, I thought it was funny, it was the the customs' lady who was totally out of line and very unprofessional and unethical.
    Reminds me of the time I put a pair of my wife's panties in her lunch box and she opened it in front of about 20 of her fellow employees. I never did hear the ';last of that';

    If you have pulled things on her, you have no right to be upset!
    You have to learn to not let things bother you. If you said it is the wife's but you can have it if you like since she put it in my suitcase. Just learn and be happy you have a fun relationship with your wife.

    That's better then a friend of mine. He's going through a nasty divorce and his wife secretly stuck a pistol in his carry on bag.
    you = gaywad again today
    It seems all in good fun!
    put a dildo thats vibrating in hers the next time

    Did Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials drop the ball on this case Grieving father looks for answers?

    What would you tell this Grieving father looks for answers on why ice did not detain and illegal until after arrest ? Danny Bridges stood near the back of the courtroom before the opening of the murder trial, glowering at the man accused of stabbing his daughter 11 times.

    “I didn’t want to see him again,” Bridges said Tuesday, staring at Jeremias Fuentes, who is accused of killing 22-year-old Katherine Ann Bridges on Nov. 25, 2007.

    Outside the courtroom, Bridges said the law enforcement system had failed his “special little girl,” born with severe birth defects that left her deaf and with facial deformities.

    According to court records, Fuentes was first arrested for beating Bridges in 2004, when she was 19. Arrested in August 2007 for interfering with case workers trying to interview her father about abuse allegations, Fuentes told Harris County jailers that he was in the country illegally, records show.

    But immigration officials did not file paperwork to detain Fuentes until after the slaying, records show.

    Bridges said he still can’t understand it.

    “This guy is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, and no one ever did anything about it,” Bridges said. “They didn’t care. That’s what amazes me most.”

    Did Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials drop the ball on this case ?Did Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials drop the ball on this case Grieving father looks for answers?
    Now you're starting to get it. The US government, which claims it's going to save you, really hates you and wants you dead and gone. The dumbacrats and most of the republicans want to replace you with a subservient class of people called mexicans. These are people which have been servants all of their lives going back generations. Just look at how they are treated in their own country, messico. Then once inside of America they join gangs to try to find their manhood. It's only going to get worse. Much worse, so buy gold and buy guns.

    Good Luck.Did Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials drop the ball on this case Grieving father looks for answers?
    Of course they did, and they'll do it again and again. I'm so sick of our government and press being repulsively politically correct and not wanting to address the overwhelming illegal problem. Yahoo even deletes questions whose answers contain information that might hurt illegals' feelings. Our government isn't here to protect us, they're here to do whatever it takes to stay in office with their cushy jobs and retirement packages.
    Did the local authorities ever report him to ICE so they could place a hold on him? Looks like Harris County is equally at fault. We need mandatory reporting of illegal aliens. Threaten to jail police, cities, public service officials who fail to report them and they will make the calls.
    Of course they did. Lets face it these people are Civil Servants, they couldn't care less who is here legally or illegally. Like ALL civil servants they are here to get the most money for the least amount of work. This is not the first time something like this has happened.
    I know exactly how this father feels as my Son was kidnapped and Murdered by an illegal alien also. He was known in the community by the police! A known illegal alien that had been up on several charges. Known by the police to carry weapons! Known to be a gang banger! Known to be violent!!! Why was he not arressted and deported the first time the police were called on him!!!

    Over 10,000 American Citizens ask themselves this same question each and every year. Why has our Government abandoned us!!!!

    It is time we stood together and made our voice heard!

    Whether Customs bonding u/s 58 & 65 of CA-1962 is compulsory in case EOU using indigineous material only,?

    Bonding is used while raw material is imported without payment of custom duty.The condition is that you will export the same. But in case of indigenous goods the question of bonding does not arise unless there is exemption on central or local taxes. Please veryify again with superintendant of customs in your place.

    In case BOE is wrongly made in seller name and shipment is out of customs area, can the BOE be amended ?

    Your question makes no sense. Please try again.