Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?

I have to buy it in a store not online.

I want maybe polyethylene or polyurethane.

Here's what I have in mind if my description wasn't coherent: can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
This is a Photography Q %26amp; A forum you have linked to.

Better to try in the Home and Garden Section.Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
The people that make Pelican cases have the foam your looking for. Many professional photographers store their camera's in Pelican cases as it is easily modifiable and protects against shock.

However it is pricey, you might want to look at store that sells hospital / medical stuff. There are many products used that are big and foamy that are used to soften a bed for example. It is relatively cheap. Another place that might have what your looking is Hobby Lobby or similar art and crafts places.
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