Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cold Case custom Gibson Epiphone Guitar?

I found the most amazing electric guitar online. It is a custom epiphone guitar nade just for the cast and crew of the hit CBS show Cold Case.

Here is the link of the guitar:鈥?/a>

I love the color and the fact that its cold case. I know they only made 200 to give a gifts but i was wondering if anyone had seen one or knew where i hould look. Im pretty sure there' got to be one out there for sale from someone who got it as a gift and didn't want it.Any help is highly appreciated.


%26lt;3 Sam

Cold Case custom Gibson Epiphone Guitar?
this would be such a waste of money......

a 'custom gibson epiphone'? now there's a contradiction in terms lol.....nothing custom about an's a second rate guitar at best, the same as the squire is for fender......

as a novelty and a conversation piece it might be okay, but certainly not worth the money you're going to spend on one if you can find it.

if you just absolutely have to have one of these, try contacting the studio and/or production team......they should be able to put you in contact with someone who may have one for sale or keep trying ebay....some money grubbing idiot will try and unload one soon enough.....

but, your money would be better spent buying the real gibson instead of the entry level, cheaper and lower quality epi....... or even better yet go for the best and buy a fender......

you do know the epiphone is the entry level, minor league version of the gibson for those who can't afford the real, quality instrument right?

oh, and your link doesn't work btw....not that it really mattered....seen one epi seen them all....they're nothing special

there are alot of these ';custom' guitars out there and there's nothing 'custom' aobut any of them other than the paint

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