Monday, January 18, 2010

Building a custom computer case, Framework?

I plan on trying to fabricate my own computer case, the only trouble is that I dont think i am going to be successful in building the framework, does anyone know where i can purchase parts to build computer case frames?Building a custom computer case, Framework?
Depends on how complex the case and how good you are, start off building a disaster. Something I know and you know you will fudge up.

Basic box, 1/2 in MDF build a box that is matched to your current or specs online. I like to line the inside and outside with Fiberglass use a small piece of 3/4 inch MDF for making triangles to make the case sturdy. As for the HD cages I either get some offline depending on the size of my case and they layout I need for airflow. Another reason I glass the inside of the case is for airflow. If you want more info email me. But, it's not too hard just a learning process. Other ways include making a basic box frame and stapling fiberglass sheets. Either way it's up to you.

AS others have said yes it's cheaper to buy one and have it shipped or goto a compusa and get one in person. under $25 probably. But, you asked how, not what's cheaper.Building a custom computer case, Framework?
Building a case? I suggest against it. You will end up spending more money on parts than just buying a case. Money that could be spent on a better cpu, graphics card etc. If you wanna still build your own heres how to build a plexi-glass case:

May want to consider buying a quality windowed case. Then you can personalize it with LED fans, UV tubes, UV cables etc,

As far as Ebay goes, a cheapo $15-$20 case with a blue LED is far from a gaming case. What they do on Ebay is charge you $20 for the case then 30-40 for shipping. That way they only pay fees for $20 and make all their profit on shipping. I suggest you go to Newegg and look for cases with free shipping. Heres a Black Friday deal on the Antec 900.

$59.99 with free shipping. A steal for that case.

Thats a true gaming case and you can get it for about the same price as one of those piece of junk cases off Ebay after you pay for shipping:鈥?/a>
I've purchased cheap cases off of and stripped them down till I have the basic architecture. Then I place the framework into my case. Done it a few time with success.

I've done shelling cases too. That is easy and all you need to do is move the buttons and migrate the drives forward.
lots of people complain about ebay but i really see know problem. go on there mate, you should have no troubles and the items are usually of quality, and of course extremely cheap. your looking at $15 for a quality gaming case :]

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