Friday, January 22, 2010

Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?

I have to buy it in a store not online.

I want maybe polyethylene or polyurethane.

Here's what I have in mind if my description wasn't coherent: can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
Try one of those arts and craft stores, here in the western U.S. we have a chain called Michaels. Otherwise ask at a camera shop, photographers use that stuff all the time, they probably could recommend where to buy itWhere can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
look in the phone book. Why not on line? I run a maintenance shop and we have all our tool boxes foam inlaid with red/ blue 2 part foam made to shadow tools. Plenty of places to buy it unless you live in a 1/2 horse town
Home Depot ot WalMart

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