Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Custom Computer without a Case?

I'm thinking of building a custom computer that I can dedicate just to gaming. I've gotten all the parts I need except for a case and I've been having a lot of trouble finding one big enough to fit all the components into. My question is is it absolutely necessary to have a computer case or can the components just be laid out on a non-conductive surface and protected from unnecessary contact? I would have no problem building a custom enclosure with an AC unit.Custom Computer without a Case?
It is very unwise to not have a case. The issue really is static electricity. After spending a lot of money on a computer, you'd be risking a lot to have it unprotected. It's not just a matter of non-conductive surfaces because other materials (plastic in particular) can cause a lot of grief with static.

Custom enclosures present the problem of cooling. Modern cases are designed specifically to create a current of air that flows correctly through the case, cooling the components. I've found that leaving a case door open will INCREASE the temperature of the CPU sometimes because it no longer has that current.

I would very very highly recommend looking harder for a big enough case. I know Dell used to have a program where you could buy a bare-bones XPS 700-series system and pimp it out with reckless abandon. Those cases are behemoths and would fit anything you would ever need.Custom Computer without a Case?
You risk computer failure, because of possible static shock to the delicate computer components, with no case. Dust build-up, hair, and even carpet deodorizer can build up unseen. All it takes is a tiny little static electrical charge that you can't see, and bye-bye $$$$$$$. (Plus all your fun!) How about this case for a affordable, quality case?鈥?/a>
Yeah, I'd get a large case if possible. I mean you can always fab one, but they build them cheap enough, out of aluminum and whatnot too, so you should just get a full sized tower case.

Everything should fit in a full tower (there's compact towers, mid size, and then full. A mid may or may not fit a full length PCI-e graphics card).
well, a case is really ideal for any computer, to minimise risk with damage ect.

Laying it out with an ac unit blasting on it would also be good, just make sure to regularlly clean dust off, and MUST be non conductive and non flamable surface. Trust me, not cool when u set ur desk on fire. lol
Since the others have stressed on the importance of the case i shall suggest good casings for various price points:

Under $50:

Cooler Master Centurion 5鈥?/a>


Raidmax Smilidon鈥?/a>


Antec 900鈥?/a>

Thermaltake Armor鈥?/a>


Cooler Master Cosmos 1000鈥?/a>

Antec P182鈥?/a>


Cooler Master Evo 830鈥?/a>
i had this problem too (choosing a case). the thing i done was to buy a mid-large size case fix all the things into place, then the fans. if you get a large case then you'll be able to fit a water cooler in to keep it very cool - better for gaming as the hotter the components are the slower the system will be.

if you didnt have a case then the fans will not be able to circulate fresh cool air into the system (remember, the cooler the case, the faster the system) ... so i recommend a nice large case. you'll be able to find one from ebay or pcworld etc...
Cases were made to house the motherboard and everything else.

Its not worth risking all that money you put into it, just because you didn't want to buy a case.

Buy a Full tower case from
If you plan on getting into the computer a lot and can reasonably ensure that the PC won't get too dusty or be in contact with statically charged items (people, rug, etc), you can get a test chassis. I've used one for years on my test rig and it works great.

I linked to one for you below. Cheers!
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