Friday, January 22, 2010

My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?

ing her , and once customs searched ner baggage she was detained and was asked where she got them from, so of course she didnt know they were they in the first place,. So now they are threatening to deport her back to ghana and imprison her . I talked with her mother who said she did receive a call from someone over their, I have to assume it was from customs or immigration , and she stated she was so eager to hear about her daughter, that she never asked who or where they were calling from . Her daughter was actually on a trip to visit me here in the U.S. ,.,, now her mother tells me she is being kept in a hotel waiting for a decision to be made on whether or not they will prosecute her or deport her or both . They are asking for documents for the ownership of the gold bars , which she does not have . What can she do, what can I do , her friend in america ? Who do i contact in amsterdam, Germany(schipol) airport is where this took place , can any one tell me what can be done if anything ?My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?
Schiphol airport is the airport closest to Amsterdam which is in the Netherlands not Germany.

Firstly I have to say it, this strikes me as a very elaborate scam being worked up. How do you know this girl? Just from the internet and this is your first meeting? If so, then alarm bells should ring and ring and not stop ringing. Take a lot of care that suddenly she will need money to extricate herself from this situation and that you are the only one to help (etc etc etc), and this seems like a scenario which is just surreal.

If on the remote chance it is true, then there is actually nothing you can do about it (and actually it is not even smart to get involved in something like this). The Dutch customs %26amp; immigration services will investigate and act on the results of these investigations. No plea from you will change the circumstances. Deportation usually takes place very quickly in these cases and she would be held in the airport and not in a hotel (which also makes it very suspicious to me). They would not allow her to leave the airport because of a risk of fleeing (and that she would need a visa to do so on the basis of her Ghanian nationality anyway)

So please please tread very carefully with this. I smell a very big rat with this.

For example (similar although not the same) read the following story of a scam鈥?/a>My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?
Then it is definately a scam and I am so glad that you asked this online before you got scammed. These people are despicable lowlifes and I am really glad that you did not get scammed

Best of luck

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What did you say your ';friends'; mothers name was. I need some gold bars. This story sounds wrong. Have you ever carried gold. It's REAL heavy. A gold bar weighs a whole lot. There's NO WAY you could carry it without knowing.

How many gold bars did she have?
i feel really sorry for you. i dont really have an answer but i just wanted you to know that my heart goes out to you and your friend.
You need the truth, gold is heavy, you notice it
I'm assuming we're talking about a relatively small amount of gold here, as a gold bar like you see in Fort Knox weighs way more than your friend would be able to carry by herself, much less check at the airport!

At any rate, find out where Ghana has an embassy in Europe and call them about your friend's problem. They'll at least be able to provide legal assistance for her.

Oh, and call her mother and tell her what an idiot she is. At best, the mom can expect the gold to be confiscated on the suspicion your friend was trying to smuggle it for criminal purposes.
  • eye look
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