Friday, January 22, 2010

Do sniffer dogs at customs sniff at every single case or just the ones thought to be suspicious?

i just wondered if they are all along a conveyor belt with their little noses poking out!Do sniffer dogs at customs sniff at every single case or just the ones thought to be suspicious?
I used to work in security management for various different airports. In the bigger airports they have police with sniffer dogs patrolling constantly. The dog is constantly on duty unless told otherwise and discreetly sniffs as they walk by. The police even try little things like striking up and conversation with you or they might get a bit too close causing you to jump back and possibly drop something allowing the cop and the dog to linger a few minutes longer. There are loads of different tricks but generally they sniff everyone as they go by.Do sniffer dogs at customs sniff at every single case or just the ones thought to be suspicious?
Ooo,what ya thinking of smuggling then.Go on tell us.
HA was only talking about this this afternoon , my friend said thay sniff every one - he works in an airport so i guess hes right.
I drove the Midnight Express Cannabis smokers bus from London to Amsterdam for 8 years from 1992 to 2000. On the early runs of the bus on the return journey from Amsterdam the Customs were getting tired of searching the bus and finding amounts of hash and grass buried between the seats and hidden in crisp packets etc. and was told that if I did not clean up the act they would bring on a dog. The dog duly arrived one day and came on the bus full of enthusiasm. It's handler could hardly contain it as it bounded onto the bus spurned on by the smell of herb. Then after about 10 seconds of being in the bus, it dropped to its knees and started whimpering uncontrollably. Fact is that the dog could not cope with the smell of drugs coming out of every orifice on the bus. It was used to detecting a source of drugs in one place, not being surrounded by the stuff. The female customs dog handler stormed off the bus shouting ';I'm not allowing my dog on this bus again!';

True story.
they sniff at everything
Stuff it up your arrse!!!
They patrol with their handler. Their nose is sufficiently sensitive that they can walk down a line of baggage and home in on the substances they have been trained to detect from quite some distance away. They are free to roam with their handler.

Smugglers have tried various techniques to fool the dogs but most fail.
Well I would say that most people have nothing to fear and that is often what the animal will pick up on, if your stressed the animal will pick up on it so you get scrutinised further.
i remember a couple of years ago i was in a car in a parking lot with a mate and her mates and the police showed up with a sniffer dog and they put the dog in the car but it didnt smell anything. After they left this guy showed us about 500 ecstasy tablets that were in the glove compartment. What a **** sniffer dog!

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