Wednesday, January 20, 2010

If I want to build a custom laptop, where can I get the main case for the laptop? Will it have to be 2nd hand?

Looke for whitebooks or barebone laptops. They are all over to buy, and all they include is the disk drive, screen/casing, and mobo.

Clevo makes good ones, and so does compal, and msi and asustek. They all make the barebone, but the clevos and compal make them for a lot of companies, including Dell, alienware, compaq, and more. Here are som model numbers: Clevo M570U, D900K, and ect.If I want to build a custom laptop, where can I get the main case for the laptop? Will it have to be 2nd hand?
Wow this is going to be a hard task. I don't know how possible it will be either. Many internal parts are not standard sizes and are tailored to manufacturers own specs (case dimensions and etc). But this is a great idea that I'd love to see to fruition. Maybe you should document the progress and post it on website.If I want to build a custom laptop, where can I get the main case for the laptop? Will it have to be 2nd hand?
You really can't build custom laptops. The only things on laptops that can be upgraged are network cards and ram. Aleinware laptops allow you to upgrade the video card but thats about it.

You can get on ebay and buy laptops with better motherboards then the one you are building and switch them out if they are the same model.

Otherwise it's hacking/moding...
Actually the computer magazines sell labtop kits, which they focus on selling is only the labtop with the motherboard with the proccessor of your choice.

Alienware and Dell manufacturers or others will not sell you the labtop by-itself. Its againts their policy.

I've built labtops, but I dont really get a big selection on the way the labtop case is made, and when I buy a kit, I have to purchase one with a motherboard and processor of my choice. The rest you can custom, like the ram, video card, hard drive ect...
not so sure but right now maximum pc or perhaps pc magazine , computer have a how to do it on building your own laptop try searching. It is still expensive compared to building a pc but doable. goodluck! Happy building.
You should take a look at the new Asus C90, it's barebones laptop which takes destop parts in a 15.4'; form factor.

You can buy it with just a mobo/screen/etc and buy the HDD, processor, memory, graphics card (mxm II) seperatly or fully customised by you on a site like gen tech pc.
There is no such thing as a custom built laptop. Don't waste your time. Laptops are not built like desktops.

The board and components for a laptop are designed to only fit that model laptop. You don't pick a case and then pick what motherboard, video adapter, battery, and other components to put in your laptop case. sells 832 computer cases and 0 laptop cases. sells 490 motherboards and 0 laptop motherboards.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

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