Friday, January 22, 2010

If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
Be cautious over advice to ask the sender to misrepresent the value of the goods or to wrongly state it is a gift. In law, you are the importer and legally responsible for the Customs Declaration, and therefore also liable to prosecution if the declaration is found to be incorrect. If the value of the case is 拢18 or more, it will be liable for VAT. Note that VAT is charged on the entire value of the packet including the face value of any postage. Customs duty will only be charged if it would amount to 拢7 or more. Be aware also that the Post Office may levy a collection charge if it has to pick up the packet from a port of entry etc.

This may not be what you want to hear! But it's as well to answer your question accurately than to give you suggestions that may end up being more costly for you.

If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
tell them to put the laptop as a gift so you pay less and email the person you buying it from.

If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
yes you will pay customs fees. so when you add to the cost of shipping etc it can get expensive!If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
Yes you will and as it is Government money you owe they will hunt you down to the end of the earth and send in the bailiffs. Do not bother.

Trust me I'm not a doctor!
You will, unless, some else buys it for you and then ships it as a ';Gift';.

yws and its quite alot

My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?

ing her , and once customs searched ner baggage she was detained and was asked where she got them from, so of course she didnt know they were they in the first place,. So now they are threatening to deport her back to ghana and imprison her . I talked with her mother who said she did receive a call from someone over their, I have to assume it was from customs or immigration , and she stated she was so eager to hear about her daughter, that she never asked who or where they were calling from . Her daughter was actually on a trip to visit me here in the U.S. ,.,, now her mother tells me she is being kept in a hotel waiting for a decision to be made on whether or not they will prosecute her or deport her or both . They are asking for documents for the ownership of the gold bars , which she does not have . What can she do, what can I do , her friend in america ? Who do i contact in amsterdam, Germany(schipol) airport is where this took place , can any one tell me what can be done if anything ?My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?
Schiphol airport is the airport closest to Amsterdam which is in the Netherlands not Germany.

Firstly I have to say it, this strikes me as a very elaborate scam being worked up. How do you know this girl? Just from the internet and this is your first meeting? If so, then alarm bells should ring and ring and not stop ringing. Take a lot of care that suddenly she will need money to extricate herself from this situation and that you are the only one to help (etc etc etc), and this seems like a scenario which is just surreal.

If on the remote chance it is true, then there is actually nothing you can do about it (and actually it is not even smart to get involved in something like this). The Dutch customs %26amp; immigration services will investigate and act on the results of these investigations. No plea from you will change the circumstances. Deportation usually takes place very quickly in these cases and she would be held in the airport and not in a hotel (which also makes it very suspicious to me). They would not allow her to leave the airport because of a risk of fleeing (and that she would need a visa to do so on the basis of her Ghanian nationality anyway)

So please please tread very carefully with this. I smell a very big rat with this.

For example (similar although not the same) read the following story of a scam鈥?/a>My friend was detained by customs in schipol, because her mother put a gold bar in her suit case without telli?
Then it is definately a scam and I am so glad that you asked this online before you got scammed. These people are despicable lowlifes and I am really glad that you did not get scammed

Best of luck

Report Abuse

What did you say your ';friends'; mothers name was. I need some gold bars. This story sounds wrong. Have you ever carried gold. It's REAL heavy. A gold bar weighs a whole lot. There's NO WAY you could carry it without knowing.

How many gold bars did she have?
i feel really sorry for you. i dont really have an answer but i just wanted you to know that my heart goes out to you and your friend.
You need the truth, gold is heavy, you notice it
I'm assuming we're talking about a relatively small amount of gold here, as a gold bar like you see in Fort Knox weighs way more than your friend would be able to carry by herself, much less check at the airport!

At any rate, find out where Ghana has an embassy in Europe and call them about your friend's problem. They'll at least be able to provide legal assistance for her.

Oh, and call her mother and tell her what an idiot she is. At best, the mom can expect the gold to be confiscated on the suspicion your friend was trying to smuggle it for criminal purposes.
  • eye look
  • My wife snuck some of her lacy lingerie into my suit case & made me look silly in front of the customs lady do?

    you think this is funny or crossing the line ?

    I had pulled a few pranks on her and this was her way of getting me back!

    She went in a different line and when the lady asked if the babydoll nighty was mine I said No, but my wife yelled over that it was mine. Since it looked like it would fit the lady at customs started giggling and seemed to enjoy holding up a number of the panties my wife had put in my suitcase and looking at me and laughing!My wife snuck some of her lacy lingerie into my suit case %26amp; made me look silly in front of the customs lady do?
    I went through customs one time and when the customs agent opened my suitcase, all of my dirty underwear tumbled out. I was 19...and absolutely mortified.

    The great smelling Italian hottie who was standing next to me, looked away and feigned embarrassment. The guard leaned towards me and told me not to worry...this kind of stuff happens all the time.

    And yeah...I do think it was pretty funny.My wife snuck some of her lacy lingerie into my suit case %26amp; made me look silly in front of the customs lady do?
    You could have reported this customs' lady for laughing, it was not her place. Imagine all the homosexuals that travel and carry all kind of girly stuff with them, the whole airport would be a laughing bunch of idiots. They have to respect, its your right.

    As for what your wife did, I thought it was funny, it was the the customs' lady who was totally out of line and very unprofessional and unethical.
    Reminds me of the time I put a pair of my wife's panties in her lunch box and she opened it in front of about 20 of her fellow employees. I never did hear the ';last of that';

    If you have pulled things on her, you have no right to be upset!
    You have to learn to not let things bother you. If you said it is the wife's but you can have it if you like since she put it in my suitcase. Just learn and be happy you have a fun relationship with your wife.

    That's better then a friend of mine. He's going through a nasty divorce and his wife secretly stuck a pistol in his carry on bag.
    you = gaywad again today
    It seems all in good fun!
    put a dildo thats vibrating in hers the next time

    Did Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials drop the ball on this case Grieving father looks for answers?

    What would you tell this Grieving father looks for answers on why ice did not detain and illegal until after arrest ? Danny Bridges stood near the back of the courtroom before the opening of the murder trial, glowering at the man accused of stabbing his daughter 11 times.

    “I didn’t want to see him again,” Bridges said Tuesday, staring at Jeremias Fuentes, who is accused of killing 22-year-old Katherine Ann Bridges on Nov. 25, 2007.

    Outside the courtroom, Bridges said the law enforcement system had failed his “special little girl,” born with severe birth defects that left her deaf and with facial deformities.

    According to court records, Fuentes was first arrested for beating Bridges in 2004, when she was 19. Arrested in August 2007 for interfering with case workers trying to interview her father about abuse allegations, Fuentes told Harris County jailers that he was in the country illegally, records show.

    But immigration officials did not file paperwork to detain Fuentes until after the slaying, records show.

    Bridges said he still can’t understand it.

    “This guy is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, and no one ever did anything about it,” Bridges said. “They didn’t care. That’s what amazes me most.”

    Did Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials drop the ball on this case ?Did Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials drop the ball on this case Grieving father looks for answers?
    Now you're starting to get it. The US government, which claims it's going to save you, really hates you and wants you dead and gone. The dumbacrats and most of the republicans want to replace you with a subservient class of people called mexicans. These are people which have been servants all of their lives going back generations. Just look at how they are treated in their own country, messico. Then once inside of America they join gangs to try to find their manhood. It's only going to get worse. Much worse, so buy gold and buy guns.

    Good Luck.Did Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials drop the ball on this case Grieving father looks for answers?
    Of course they did, and they'll do it again and again. I'm so sick of our government and press being repulsively politically correct and not wanting to address the overwhelming illegal problem. Yahoo even deletes questions whose answers contain information that might hurt illegals' feelings. Our government isn't here to protect us, they're here to do whatever it takes to stay in office with their cushy jobs and retirement packages.
    Did the local authorities ever report him to ICE so they could place a hold on him? Looks like Harris County is equally at fault. We need mandatory reporting of illegal aliens. Threaten to jail police, cities, public service officials who fail to report them and they will make the calls.
    Of course they did. Lets face it these people are Civil Servants, they couldn't care less who is here legally or illegally. Like ALL civil servants they are here to get the most money for the least amount of work. This is not the first time something like this has happened.
    I know exactly how this father feels as my Son was kidnapped and Murdered by an illegal alien also. He was known in the community by the police! A known illegal alien that had been up on several charges. Known by the police to carry weapons! Known to be a gang banger! Known to be violent!!! Why was he not arressted and deported the first time the police were called on him!!!

    Over 10,000 American Citizens ask themselves this same question each and every year. Why has our Government abandoned us!!!!

    It is time we stood together and made our voice heard!

    Whether Customs bonding u/s 58 & 65 of CA-1962 is compulsory in case EOU using indigineous material only,?

    Bonding is used while raw material is imported without payment of custom duty.The condition is that you will export the same. But in case of indigenous goods the question of bonding does not arise unless there is exemption on central or local taxes. Please veryify again with superintendant of customs in your place.

    In case BOE is wrongly made in seller name and shipment is out of customs area, can the BOE be amended ?

    Your question makes no sense. Please try again.

    If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

    or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
    I think you should be okay.

    If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

    or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
    yes you will pay customs fees. so when you add to the cost of shipping etc it can get expensive!If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
    Yes you will and as it is Government money you owe they will hunt you down to the end of the earth and send in the bailiffs. Do not bother.

    Trust me I'm not a doctor!
    You will, unless, some else buys it for you and then ships it as a ';Gift';.

    yws and its quite alot
  • eye look
  • If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

    or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
    I think you should be okay.

    If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

    or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
    Yes you do鈥?/a>If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
    Yes you will need to pay the duty and vat. It will more than likely be held until you do. If it is coming via Fedex they will pay it then they will bill you.鈥?/a>

    If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?

    or any other extra costs except for shipping costs as quoted by a ebay seller ? As US is not part o EU I am quessing there are some customs fees or/and VAT etcIf i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
    If the package is intercepted you would have to pay VAT on the item befire it was released to you. If i buy a laptop case from US via ebay will i need to pay customs in uk?
    If the laptop case is for your own personal use, then you won't have to pay VAT. The chances of customs even intercepting your package is slim to none, so don't worry.

    Case Studies for Customs Act 1962?

    Is there any information available online for cases under Customs Act 1962?Case Studies for Customs Act 1962?
    The law:鈥?/a>

    Some case studies:鈥?/a>

    There's been a lot of work on this. But as a student, you're expected to get off your chair and do a bit of library research on your own.Case Studies for Customs Act 1962?
    I searched the web for ';cases under Customs Act 1962'; and got a ton of sources. Try that.

    Do sniffer dogs at customs sniff at every single case or just the ones thought to be suspicious?

    i just wondered if they are all along a conveyor belt with their little noses poking out!Do sniffer dogs at customs sniff at every single case or just the ones thought to be suspicious?
    I used to work in security management for various different airports. In the bigger airports they have police with sniffer dogs patrolling constantly. The dog is constantly on duty unless told otherwise and discreetly sniffs as they walk by. The police even try little things like striking up and conversation with you or they might get a bit too close causing you to jump back and possibly drop something allowing the cop and the dog to linger a few minutes longer. There are loads of different tricks but generally they sniff everyone as they go by.Do sniffer dogs at customs sniff at every single case or just the ones thought to be suspicious?
    Ooo,what ya thinking of smuggling then.Go on tell us.
    HA was only talking about this this afternoon , my friend said thay sniff every one - he works in an airport so i guess hes right.
    I drove the Midnight Express Cannabis smokers bus from London to Amsterdam for 8 years from 1992 to 2000. On the early runs of the bus on the return journey from Amsterdam the Customs were getting tired of searching the bus and finding amounts of hash and grass buried between the seats and hidden in crisp packets etc. and was told that if I did not clean up the act they would bring on a dog. The dog duly arrived one day and came on the bus full of enthusiasm. It's handler could hardly contain it as it bounded onto the bus spurned on by the smell of herb. Then after about 10 seconds of being in the bus, it dropped to its knees and started whimpering uncontrollably. Fact is that the dog could not cope with the smell of drugs coming out of every orifice on the bus. It was used to detecting a source of drugs in one place, not being surrounded by the stuff. The female customs dog handler stormed off the bus shouting ';I'm not allowing my dog on this bus again!';

    True story.
    they sniff at everything
    Stuff it up your arrse!!!
    They patrol with their handler. Their nose is sufficiently sensitive that they can walk down a line of baggage and home in on the substances they have been trained to detect from quite some distance away. They are free to roam with their handler.

    Smugglers have tried various techniques to fool the dogs but most fail.
    Well I would say that most people have nothing to fear and that is often what the animal will pick up on, if your stressed the animal will pick up on it so you get scrutinised further.
    i remember a couple of years ago i was in a car in a parking lot with a mate and her mates and the police showed up with a sniffer dog and they put the dog in the car but it didnt smell anything. After they left this guy showed us about 500 ecstasy tablets that were in the glove compartment. What a **** sniffer dog!

    Total cost of excise,customs duty and vat on a case of wine from eu to ireland (unacccompanied-shipped) ?

    i want to see if it is cheaper to go on ryanair to fetch a case than it is to have it shipped as accompanied wine pays nil and the fare can be as low as 5 euroTotal cost of excise,customs duty and vat on a case of wine from eu to ireland (unacccompanied-shipped) ?
    if it's for personal consumption then there isn't any from one EU state to another is there ?

    It's already been paid in france (or wherever) when you bought it.
  • eye look
  • What is the method of calculation of customs duty & excise duty in case of goods import ?

    please provide me the calculation type What is the method of calculation of customs duty %26amp; excise duty in case of goods import ?
    for which country

    I am in progress on building my custom PC, and i need to know if everything is compatible expecially the case.

    My first option was to use CyberpowerPC to build my rig but i can save money buying my own parts. I have a limit of $2000 max and wanted to know if all of these parts are all compatible

    All the parts will be purchased from for $1,800

    Tower--Cool Master Stacker 830 Evolution RC-830

    CPU-- Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Kentsfield 2.4GHz LGA 775 Quad-Core

    Ram--Corsair Dominator 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC2 8500)

    MB--ASUS Striker II Formula LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 780i SLI

    Dvd Drive--- ASUS 20X DVD卤R DVD Burner with LightScribe Black SATA Model

    HDD--- Western Digital Caviar SE16 WD5000AAKS 500GB 7200 RPM SATA

    CPU Cooler-- Thermaltake CL-P0401 110mm

    Graphics Card Fan--Thermaltake CL-G0102 VGA Cooler

    Graphics Card--- EVGA GeForce 8800GT Superclocked

    Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Compound

    4X Antec 761345-75024-0 120mm Blue LED Case Fan

    And how much will it cost for someone to put this together since i have no knowledge of wiring etc. btw am i missing anything?I am in progress on building my custom PC, and i need to know if everything is compatible expecially the case.
    As far as I can tell everything seems compatible, but you are missing a power supply. I would recommend at least a 600W. And one of the reviews on that GPU says it has compatability issues with several brands, so do some research. ;-) And you can step down on your RAM speed if you want, the 1066 is the max speed your mobo supports. And your cpu comes with a fan and heatsink if you wanna save the money. =) I'm building a pc also, my parts should be here tomorrow. Exciting isnt it?I am in progress on building my custom PC, and i need to know if everything is compatible expecially the case.
    There is no real wiring it is just male connector(the plug) going into the female connector(the port), not wiring or sodering experience need just read instructions. READ Instructions and be patient, because if you go to quickly then you will screw up. It is easy if you be carefull and READ INSTRUCTIONS. All the parts come with instructions. It will cost less to do it yourself plus you will learn something and feel that accomplishment. I would just get one more thing a anti static wrist strap, this will just connect to the case and ground you.
    does the case have a power supply in it?

    idk... $1800 is alot of money, my system isn't even $900 and its hardly a slouch...

    you should have got a raptor hard drive if your budget was that high.... if you 're in the dallas area I will put it together for you for $75.

    Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?

    I have to buy it in a store not online.

    I want maybe polyethylene or polyurethane.

    Here's what I have in mind if my description wasn't coherent: can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
    Try one of those arts and craft stores, here in the western U.S. we have a chain called Michaels. Otherwise ask at a camera shop, photographers use that stuff all the time, they probably could recommend where to buy itWhere can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
    look in the phone book. Why not on line? I run a maintenance shop and we have all our tool boxes foam inlaid with red/ blue 2 part foam made to shadow tools. Plenty of places to buy it unless you live in a 1/2 horse town
    Home Depot ot WalMart

    What case should i get for my custom computer i am going to build..... 2 options....price does NOT matter.....?

    between these to case's wich one should i get????? (they each have a video if oyu want to go a little in-depth) also if you know a cae that looks awesome please post it! :);CatId=1510


;Sku=A406-1115What case should i get for my custom computer i am going to build..... 2 options....price does NOT matter.....?
    i would go with the second one it has a sleeker design and it looks like if you ran into it you would not cut yourselfWhat case should i get for my custom computer i am going to build..... 2 options....price does NOT matter.....?

    Buy the Lian Li armour suit pc80B (the black/blue one)

    It runs about $300.

    The see through side panel will run an extra $50-80

    If your looking for quality. buy Lian Li cases.

    If you like the look of the first one on your list. You'll love the pc80

    Wednesday, January 20, 2010

    In case of the ship sinking why is it a custom to save women and children first? i mean the logic?

    ....In case of the ship sinking why is it a custom to save women and children first? i mean the logic?
    In the case of the Titanic, not only was it for survival of the bloodlines, but also because most women at that time wore corsets, petticoats, etc and would sink like a rock (if they knew how to swim at all) and most children did (and do) NOT know how to keep calm in a deadly and fearful situation to stay afloat.

    Men, on the other hand, were usually more athletic, and could generally be counted on to survive if they had to swim. And true to form, 6 people survived in the water, all men.In case of the ship sinking why is it a custom to save women and children first? i mean the logic?
    because the grown men are stronger and could survive longer without being rescued.
    Because Chldren are YOUNG- they need to live

    Women give life

    and yr q is kinda' stupid
    Actually, there's a very good reason. In the rush for the lifeboats, the women and children would get trampled by the bigger, stronger men. So this is to give them a chance.
    To insure that the women and children are safe. They would have a more difficult time rescuing others. Besides, wouldn't you feel better knowing that your wife and kids are safe? That gives me courage to go on!
    Because the children are young and deserve to live longer and the women are the ones who give life.
    It was to save the helpless and defenseless. It was the manly thing to do. If you were the father, you would have given your place in the lifeboat to your child, so your bloodlines would carry on, after you were gone.

    My mother's family were mostly career military. My Aunt told us once that the military recommended that family's not travel together on airplanes, the thought being that some of the family would survive to carry on, in the event of a plane crash.. We did not know if that was a holdover from an earlier time, [or the miltary not wishing to be responsible for the death of entire family, though I can't see how they could have been held accountable, if it was a nonmilitary flight,] when air travel was not so safe, or what. Now days, the military does not make such a recommendation, to my knowledge. Goodness, how would you decide such a thing? Can you imagine being the survivor of such a decision?

    Do I really need case cooling fan for my custom pc?

    I going with an AMD Athlon 64 3800+ dual core cpu, 250gb hard drive with a 550w power supply, ATI Radeon X1300 video card. I'll be using if for normal stuff and gaming.

    How necessary is a case cooling fan? Is it worth the extra money to add one?

    How about the hard drive? If I go with a 160gb and no case cooling fan, I can save about $65. Am I being cheap?Do I really need case cooling fan for my custom pc?
    better you go for a cooling fan .that bugs might not be a loss

    its gain only.its my opinionDo I really need case cooling fan for my custom pc?
    You could always add a case cooling fan later. You should be able to find them for about $12 with shipping.

    I would suggest having a cooling fan in the case(besides the one on your graphics card, cpu, and power supply have). It will help to keep it cool and that is a big concern with keeping your computer running reliably.
    Atlonns tend to run very hot. Protect yourself, I would spend an extra few bucks for the cooling fan. Cheap will cost you more in the long run.
  • eye look
  • Difference between High Sea Sale & Sale from Bonded Warehouse with Custom Duty & Tax implications in each case

    HIgh Seas sale is a sale when the transaction is undertaken before the goods have docked the Indian shores and in this case the custom duty is directly payable by te purchaser and in case of sale from bonded warehouse, the duty is payable by the seller who can build it in the sales price.

    As far as VAT is concerened it is still being debated whether it should be applicable on High seas sale

    How do i make my own custom artwork for a cd case, any program online free?

    Yeah burned a bunch of tunes for friends, now i want to use my own pics to creat album art,

    Any programs out there that would have a premade layout so I dont have to set it up in word (yeah im that lazy... :)

    im hoping just to cut and paste (or upload) and make some inspired artwork....How do i make my own custom artwork for a cd case, any program online free?;catalogcode=WEB01%26amp;node=0

    How do I cut a Custom Window into my computer case?

    I have a Dell Dimension 4700. 3GHz Processor, 2.5 GB of 5300Mhz DDR2 Memory, 512MB ATI Radeon 2600 Pro Video Card and a 19'; Flat Panel LCD. My plans are to cut a window into the removable side panel of the computer case. It has a cheesy stamped Circle with ';DELL'; in the center of the panel. I know that this can be done yourself, but what tools would be needed? Or would I be better off trying to find someone to do it for me? How do I cut a Custom Window into my computer case?
    Use a drill to make a hole, and then use a hacksaw to do the cutting. As mentioned above, doing this will completely void your warranty on the ENTIRE computer, not just the case.How do I cut a Custom Window into my computer case?
    If your computer is still under warranty, don't do it.

    Is it illegal to bring into the UK through customs a large mounted cased (dead) African Beetle?

    I don't think it's illegal, you might be questioned about it, but I don't think you'll get in trouble.Is it illegal to bring into the UK through customs a large mounted cased (dead) African Beetle?
    These days you will probably be interrogated for 48 hours, then jailed, and then fined. It's not for no reason, poachers are causing extinctions every year.Is it illegal to bring into the UK through customs a large mounted cased (dead) African Beetle?
    Probably not illegal, but definitely unethical.

    I want add more fans to my custom pc but where would i put them (my case is all aluminum and one side is glass?

    Contact the people on this site they may be able to help youI want add more fans to my custom pc but where would i put them (my case is all aluminum and one side is glass?
    Either u make some space or get a new cabinet.

    Where's a good location to order a custom-fitted aluminum camera case?

    Specifically, I need a camera case that will accomodate an old Super8 camera (Beaulieu 4008 ZM 2, pictured here鈥?/a> I'd like an aluminum case custom fitted for it, but there doesn't seem to be anyone in my area that can do it. I could do it myself, but I'd rather pay someone else to do it.Where's a good location to order a custom-fitted aluminum camera case?
    Calumet Photographic has a lot of aluminum cases. If you call them and tell the dimensions, they can recommend one.Where's a good location to order a custom-fitted aluminum camera case?
    Try this place:
  • eye look
  • My computer's fan and custom lights on the case only turn on whats wrong?

    I have boughten 3 different power supplies so I know that is not the case. When I came back from a month's vaca. the comp. stopped working. I have tried 3 different power supplies. from 300-500 watts. They only power all the fans inside the CPU (4) and the lights on the case. Initially the computer itself does not start up. All the cables from the power supply are plugged in correctly. This is a custom built computer and it is about 2-3 years old. If all the fans and lights turn on i'm not sure why the computer itself isn't starting up if it is receiving power. Please help!!! I don't know what to do.My computer's fan and custom lights on the case only turn on whats wrong?
    If u have a 20 + 4 pin, which u should if ur runnin a P4 board.It could be ur processor has been weak in ur motherboard %26amp; finally went out.If u have another P4 processor change it %26amp; see what it does then.If that dont work u might need to take it in to a computer shop %26amp; let them run a system check on the mother board.My computer's fan and custom lights on the case only turn on whats wrong?
    Make sure the front panel wires are properly plugged into the motherboard. Try changing the BIOS battery.
    aha try replacing the power switch bet part of it is bad keeping the comp from coming on
    It could be that it is not passing POST and there is a hardware conflict. It is getting power because the fans and lights go on, so maybe double check the main power connection and the 4/8 pin connection by the CPU.

    Pull all of your expansion cards out (not your video if you don't have onboard video) and use 1 stick of memory and power up. If that does not do anything, pull that 1 stick of memory out so that there is no memory in the slots and see if there are beep codes on start up, then you know that it is getting power, but not passing its tests.

    EDIT: Check the 20+4 pin connections and make sure they are secure. It could be a dead processor or a faulty motherboard. If you have another processor for that socket, put it in. If it doesn't work you know it is the motherboard.

    My computer's fan and custom lights on the case only turn on whats wrong?

    I have boughten 3 different power supplies so I know that is not the case. When I came back from a month's vaca. the comp. stopped working. I have tried 3 different power supplies. from 300-500 watts. They only power all the fans inside the CPU (4) and the lights on the case. Initially the computer itself does not start up. All the cables from the power supply are plugged in correctly. This is a custom built computer and it is about 2-3 years old. If all the fans and lights turn on i'm not sure why the computer itself isn't starting up if it is receiving power. Please help!!! I don't know what to do.My computer's fan and custom lights on the case only turn on whats wrong?
    If u have a 20 + 4 pin, which u should if ur runnin a P4 board.It could be ur processor has been weak in ur motherboard %26amp; finally went out.If u have another P4 processor change it %26amp; see what it does then.If that dont work u might need to take it in to a computer shop %26amp; let them run a system check on the mother board.My computer's fan and custom lights on the case only turn on whats wrong?
    Make sure the front panel wires are properly plugged into the motherboard. Try changing the BIOS battery.
    aha try replacing the power switch bet part of it is bad keeping the comp from coming on
    It could be that it is not passing POST and there is a hardware conflict. It is getting power because the fans and lights go on, so maybe double check the main power connection and the 4/8 pin connection by the CPU.

    Pull all of your expansion cards out (not your video if you don't have onboard video) and use 1 stick of memory and power up. If that does not do anything, pull that 1 stick of memory out so that there is no memory in the slots and see if there are beep codes on start up, then you know that it is getting power, but not passing its tests.

    EDIT: Check the 20+4 pin connections and make sure they are secure. It could be a dead processor or a faulty motherboard. If you have another processor for that socket, put it in. If it doesn't work you know it is the motherboard.

    Custom aluminum cell phone case?

    Does anyone know of any metal/steel shops who could make aluminum steel cell phone cases? Not cases for the phone, but the actual body for it. I'm trying to customize my phone to make it more durable. Here's the phone if it's any consolation... Sony Ericsson w580i

    I was also wondering if it is possible to build in a headphone jack because the phone doesn't have one. Thanks for all (relevant) responses!Custom aluminum cell phone case?
    well im not sure that anyone would actually do that for you unless you just knew them personally im not sure if its practical honestly...but i usually buy a silicone skin case for my phones it protects them from any scratches and if you do drop it it softens the blow lol anyway you might look into that or like a hip holster to keep it safe as for the headphone jack i thought those phones had them? i thought it used a special headphone that wasn't like a normal post jack but more like a flat charger looking jack for headphones...since it is a music phone i was pretty sure it was equipped with a headphones jack not sure im 100% accurate on all of this but at least i tired!Custom aluminum cell phone case?
    Unfortunately because the phone is a slider model, putting it into a metal case will not protect it from being crushed. the rails the front slides on are plastic and will easily be ruined if the phone is stepped on or has something heavy dropped on it. A metal body would help ensure against flex stress to the LCD though. regardless of the protection a metal body would afford, the price would be very high- like over $300, as 2 separate stamping forms would need to be made then laser cut outs for the buttons. If you can afford a case like this, then yu certainly can afford a stereo bluetooth headset to compensate for the the lack of a standard audio jack.

    as far as a manufacturer try this company鈥?/a>
    Just a might look for a water-proof case. It will be less expensive than searching for a custom body for the phone.

    I know some after-market manufacturers have cases designed for use on the beach or in moist environments. Plus, the case would designed for your specific phone.

    I'd opt for a newer phone with headphone jack before putting too much effort into customizing your phone. You could also search for phone with water-proof case at the same time. Good luck!

    What is a good case for a custom gaming computer?

    I was thinking of getting either this of these cases;CatId=32;CatId=32;CatId=32

    I am using a the new gigabyte motherboards, P55-UD6, the ones that reduce heat. I am using this for gaming. my processor is Intel i7 either the 860 or 870. I want a considerable amount of fans on it. Liquid cooling system compatible. Doesn't have to come with one just has to be able to be upgraded should i ever need to.

    I am looking for one with a clear side panel and i would like it to look cool. I only need 2-4 USB ports on the front and the standard audio jacks. I don't need an unnecessarly huge case just one that fits atx motherboards and room for 2 disk drives and 1 or 2 hard drives.

    Black, silver, white, and other similar colors.

    $150 or less.What is a good case for a custom gaming computer?
    the 1st one,鈥?/a>

    is ';cool'; with the side panel and all that. It has quite a bit of external drive space... not sure if u would actually need it but you can always expand with it so its probably good but the 3.5 is just a empty space unless you plan to fill it with a floppy drive or put a hard drive in it with the cover

    Basic Specs:

    External 5.25'; Drive Bays: 5

    External 3.5'; Drive Bays:2

    Internal 3.5'; Drive Bays: 5

    Expansion Slots: 7

    Front USB Ports: 2

    Front FireWire Ports: 1

    Front Audio Ports: 1

    120mm Fans Included: 3

    the Second one is similiar to the 1st but doesnt have the front connections on it Also has 1 less 3.5 External and 1 less 5.25 external but the 3.5 wont do any good unless your using a Floppy drive or if you plan to put a hard drive there with a face cover on it

    while The 3rd one,鈥?/a>

    Doesnt have the cool looking see through part but if your good with tools you can simply put a square hole in the side and then mount a clear hard plastic behind the hole. shouldn't be to hard...

    Basic Specs:

    External 5.25'; Drive Bays: 5

    External 3.5'; Drive Bays: 1

    Internal 3.5'; Drive Bays: 5

    Expansion Slots: 7

    80mm Fans Included: 2

    120mm Fans Included: 3

    Hope this helps. Not sure if I answered your question right but I think I didWhat is a good case for a custom gaming computer?
    all 3 of those cases are nice....

    i have used this in the past and they are great cases...very roomy with lots of places to run wires for good cable has 4 case fans and has very good airflow....

    antec 900 for 105.00 plus free shipping----鈥?/a>

    a haf 932 is a very nice case also for 150.00...lots of good airflow, and roomy w/side panel....great looking case....鈥?/a>

    so there is 2 to look at also...if none of those work for you any of the 3 you have listed would do ya well.....


    Customs & excise spirit fraud cases for july 1995?

    customs %26amp; excise case concerning the hare brothers in london and george walker in scotland in july 1995Customs %26amp; excise spirit fraud cases for july 1995?
    that's some research BOL

    Custom duty applicable which case?

    custom duty is applicable only in case of import or export of any taxable commodity.
  • eye look
  • I want custom made a metallic protective case?

    what for? how big?... need a little more info

    Custom Gaming Computer Case?

    Im trying to find a case thst will be best with my custom gaming pc. This is my first build so im going to need some opinions. I cant decide wether to get a Thermaltake Armor or an Antec 900.;Tpk=antec%2b900

    I know im comparing a full tower to a mid tower but i cant decide which one is best for cooling. Im not convinced that the antec 900 will have enough room for dual 8800gt's and im not convinced that the thermaltake armor has enough cooling. Which one would be best for capacity and cooling?

    Or should I just get a Thermaltake Armor LCS which has liqid cooling system built in?;Sku=T925-2236%26amp;SRCCODE=SHOPPINGDF%26amp;CMP=OTC-SHOPPING

    Is the LCS worth another $90?Custom Gaming Computer Case?
    or how about the antec 1200, it has the space of a full size tower with plenty of cooling鈥?/a>

    its over $200 though, but cheaper than the LCS

    Want to bring tools to philipines as gifts 3 hundred dollars worth what do i do 4 customs have in suit cases?

    you could try shipping them in a balikbayan box. Customs doesn't open those. They probably won't care what is in your suitcases either.

    Custom painting old tolex covered electric guitar case.?

    Anyone know what kind of paint to use on tolex?Custom painting old tolex covered electric guitar case.?
    Tolex is a synthetic, usually for amp and speaker covering, but I suppose it is found on guitar cases as well.

    Krylon makes a line of paints called ';Fusion';, which bonds with synthetics on a molecular level. I have used it on my amp racks and road cases with good results, as well as speaker covers.

    This is what I would recommend. Good luck.Custom painting old tolex covered electric guitar case.?
    I've done some work with painting various instruments, and although I've never tried tweed I would imagine a water based acrylic paint when applied with an airbrush would work just fine. I guess that's not really too much help if you don't have an airbrush, but if you don't you should get one anyway, they're a lot of fun.

    I have built a custom PC and i have noticed recently that the USB ports on the front of the case wont work?

    modern motherboards usually has two available group of jumpers for the front side usb port, try the other one and see if it can work there.I have built a custom PC and i have noticed recently that the USB ports on the front of the case wont work?
    Normally the USB port on the front of the case is 2.0 USB . Without SP1 (or Higher) support for the driver, you always get problems.( I though you're using Windoos XP ?)

    Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?

    I have to buy it in a store not online.

    I want maybe polyethylene or polyurethane.

    Here's what I have in mind if my description wasn't coherent: can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
    This is a Photography Q %26amp; A forum you have linked to.

    Better to try in the Home and Garden Section.Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
    The people that make Pelican cases have the foam your looking for. Many professional photographers store their camera's in Pelican cases as it is easily modifiable and protects against shock.

    However it is pricey, you might want to look at store that sells hospital / medical stuff. There are many products used that are big and foamy that are used to soften a bed for example. It is relatively cheap. Another place that might have what your looking is Hobby Lobby or similar art and crafts places.
  • eye look
  • Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?

    I have to buy it in a store not online.

    I want maybe polyethylene or polyurethane.

    Here's what I have in mind if my description wasn't coherent: can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
    I can't see your links but you might want to look in your telephone yellow pages for ';foam suppliers';... there should be at least one in most cities. They sell all kinds of foam and generally will also cut it for an extra fee.

    You might also want to check out or ask at photography stores (*real* ones) since a lot of photographers carry their lenses and various other pieces in carriers, nestled into shaped-foam sheets.


    Diane B.Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
    None of your links worked.

    Custom Itouch 2g case?

    I'm looking for a case for my i touch that allows you to put your own picture on it. Not peel able but an actual case, rubber or hard plastic. thanksCustom Itouch 2g case?鈥?/a> How about polycarbonate?

    Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?

    I have to buy it in a store not online.

    I want maybe polyethylene or polyurethane.

    Here's what I have in mind if my description wasn't coherent: can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
    All your links are broken.Where can you buy foam that can be cut to custom fit to put mechanical or specific parts in a case or drawer?
    try your local craigslist or eBay.

    How Does This Road Ruuner Guitar Case Fit My Schecter Tempest Custom Guitar?

    I just ordered the guitar and case because the guy over the phone said it would fit.

    heres the case:鈥?/a>

    heres the guitar:鈥?/a>

    how does this case fit most electric guitars real snug? how would someones strat fit in the case when my guitar (a whole different shape) will fit as wellHow Does This Road Ruuner Guitar Case Fit My Schecter Tempest Custom Guitar?
    this is in the wrong section for ur question, ull have better luck if u put it into the instrumental and electronics types of sections.

    Custom iPod touch case?

    I want to get an iPod touch case that i design it myself but i do not want to get a skin, i want to get an actual case that will protect it better than the skins will. Does anyone know where i can do that??

    How well do the skins protect the iPod from scratches, etc?Custom iPod touch case?
    go on and look up custom made i pod cases that probly will work

    Custom Computer without a Case?

    I'm thinking of building a custom computer that I can dedicate just to gaming. I've gotten all the parts I need except for a case and I've been having a lot of trouble finding one big enough to fit all the components into. My question is is it absolutely necessary to have a computer case or can the components just be laid out on a non-conductive surface and protected from unnecessary contact? I would have no problem building a custom enclosure with an AC unit.Custom Computer without a Case?
    It is very unwise to not have a case. The issue really is static electricity. After spending a lot of money on a computer, you'd be risking a lot to have it unprotected. It's not just a matter of non-conductive surfaces because other materials (plastic in particular) can cause a lot of grief with static.

    Custom enclosures present the problem of cooling. Modern cases are designed specifically to create a current of air that flows correctly through the case, cooling the components. I've found that leaving a case door open will INCREASE the temperature of the CPU sometimes because it no longer has that current.

    I would very very highly recommend looking harder for a big enough case. I know Dell used to have a program where you could buy a bare-bones XPS 700-series system and pimp it out with reckless abandon. Those cases are behemoths and would fit anything you would ever need.Custom Computer without a Case?
    You risk computer failure, because of possible static shock to the delicate computer components, with no case. Dust build-up, hair, and even carpet deodorizer can build up unseen. All it takes is a tiny little static electrical charge that you can't see, and bye-bye $$$$$$$. (Plus all your fun!) How about this case for a affordable, quality case?鈥?/a>
    Yeah, I'd get a large case if possible. I mean you can always fab one, but they build them cheap enough, out of aluminum and whatnot too, so you should just get a full sized tower case.

    Everything should fit in a full tower (there's compact towers, mid size, and then full. A mid may or may not fit a full length PCI-e graphics card).
    well, a case is really ideal for any computer, to minimise risk with damage ect.

    Laying it out with an ac unit blasting on it would also be good, just make sure to regularlly clean dust off, and MUST be non conductive and non flamable surface. Trust me, not cool when u set ur desk on fire. lol
    Since the others have stressed on the importance of the case i shall suggest good casings for various price points:

    Under $50:

    Cooler Master Centurion 5鈥?/a>


    Raidmax Smilidon鈥?/a>


    Antec 900鈥?/a>

    Thermaltake Armor鈥?/a>


    Cooler Master Cosmos 1000鈥?/a>

    Antec P182鈥?/a>


    Cooler Master Evo 830鈥?/a>
    i had this problem too (choosing a case). the thing i done was to buy a mid-large size case fix all the things into place, then the fans. if you get a large case then you'll be able to fit a water cooler in to keep it very cool - better for gaming as the hotter the components are the slower the system will be.

    if you didnt have a case then the fans will not be able to circulate fresh cool air into the system (remember, the cooler the case, the faster the system) ... so i recommend a nice large case. you'll be able to find one from ebay or pcworld etc...
    Cases were made to house the motherboard and everything else.

    Its not worth risking all that money you put into it, just because you didn't want to buy a case.

    Buy a Full tower case from
    If you plan on getting into the computer a lot and can reasonably ensure that the PC won't get too dusty or be in contact with statically charged items (people, rug, etc), you can get a test chassis. I've used one for years on my test rig and it works great.

    I linked to one for you below. Cheers!
  • eye look
  • Best way to cover a large hole in a custom pc case?

    I'm building a computer and have put a lot of effort into a custom case. I'm just about ready to start putting in the components but i have a large square hole on one side. The problem is each side of the hole is curved out slightly and i need to know the best kind of light material to use that will hold a curve and that i can buy in a large enough size and wont bring in a lot of dust.Best way to cover a large hole in a custom pc case?
    why not measure that hole to see if it will take an extra cooling fan to suck in more cold air? favourite size for that (for me) is 120mm with a nice chromed finger guard over it. If you want it to look good, you can get one with built in LEDs (but it may not last as long as a regular fan, which usually has better quality bearings) - if you are worried about dust, then fit an air filter.

    18'; by 18'; - WOW - that was obviously designed to take a ';window'; probaly with illuminated fans inside, and maybe a few other bits of eye candy. Where did you get this mother of all cases? don't they also sell the window to fit?

    AHAAAAH! now you spill the beans - an old TV - LOL - so why not fit an LCD screen in there?Best way to cover a large hole in a custom pc case?
    use some Plexiglas. It will impress people with its awesomeness.

    Looking for a CUSTOM Iphone 3GS Silicone case? Using my own photos?

    I'm looking for a customizable IPhone 3GS silicone case, NOT a skin, that I can use my own photos and design it myself. It can be silicone or plastic, but please make sure it isn't a skin. I can't find one anywhere. :(Looking for a CUSTOM Iphone 3GS Silicone case? Using my own photos?
    It is hard to find one company can do the customization to you, but I recommend a site to you, there are many iphone cases, you can take a look first:鈥?/a>

    Hope this helps !

    Where can I order a custom camera case?

    I have a Panasonic Lumix DMC LZ5 and I cant find a case that will fit it. Does anyone know of a website or maybe somewhere in the Portland area where I can have a case made for it or that has cases big enough for it? The dimensions are (H x W x D)2.44'; x 3.94'; x 1.77';Where can I order a custom camera case?
    I have a camera about that size, and I found a case at Best Buy. A good camera store like Ritz should carry some, too. I would get one that will hold extra batteries and an extra memory card, too.

    Here is one from the Best Buy site. It is a little bigger than your camera, but you could put a soft cloth in it to pad it a little more. And it has an accessory pocket. It's the only one I could find that is big enough. Click on this---鈥?/a>

    I'm glad to hear you are wanting to put it in a case. Too many people put it in a purse or bag of some kiind, and end up with a cracked display.

    Where can I order a custom camera case?

    I have a Panasonic Lumix DMC LZ5 and I cant find a case that will fit it. Does anyone know of a website or maybe somewhere in the Portland area where I can have a case made for it or that has cases big enough for it? The dimensions are (H x W x D)2.44'; x 3.94'; x 1.77';Where can I order a custom camera case?
    I have a camera about that size, and I found a case at Best Buy. A good camera store like Ritz should carry some, too. I would get one that will hold extra batteries and an extra memory card, too.

    Here is one from the Best Buy site. It is a little bigger than your camera, but you could put a soft cloth in it to pad it a little more. And it has an accessory pocket. It's the only one I could find that is big enough. Click on this---鈥?/a>

    I'm glad to hear you are wanting to put it in a case. Too many people put it in a purse or bag of some kiind, and end up with a cracked display.

    I'd like a custom made girly flask with a built in cigarette case and a matching butterfly knife. Any ideas?

    Or perhaps all three seperate, still matching. When I say girly I mean Pink, slim, and sleek. I'd like them engraved as well. Am I asking too much? Lol.I'd like a custom made girly flask with a built in cigarette case and a matching butterfly knife. Any ideas?

    copy and paste this site and you can scroll to the bottom and they have a slim pink flask with a built in cigarette case, i dont know about the butterfly knife but this is a start!!

    Custom Computer Case Building?

    I am building a case for my pc and wanted some Dimensions on width highth etc. okay i have my basic Dimensions but what makes me coserned is the expansion slots. how do i measure that. i havent bought my motherboard yet im just building a multipurpose case. i want my case to be made out of plexiglass and i have a cnc router and my plan is to make big case but i dont know stuff like 鈻搕he back how do i know where my video card sits and sound output or power suply. like i said i want to make a multipurpose case. Any help lolCustom Computer Case Building?
    You should really wait and after you have all of your parts you should figure out all of the exact dimensions that way you know for sure that it will fit as needed. Also if you have never built a case out of plexiglass be very careful to watch your heat and your screws as when you screw holes into it may crack around the hole use small bits to start at high speeds and do it gently to prevent cracking.

    Hope this has helped you.Custom Computer Case Building?
    A company called DangerDen makes cases out of plexiglas or similar plastic; I saw a demo unit at a Frys store last year.

    But their primary interest is in making water-cooling modules for the motherboard heat sinks.

    [quote begin]

    To make it now easier to find Danger Den gear...Fry's now offeres the Danger Den Water Box Plus and a Water Cooling Kit in all of their stores! Find the nearest store to you!

    [quote end]

    I could not find this product anywhere on the Frys website, so it might be only available in stores.

    These cases cost over $200.00 so there's a lot of work involved to make them.

    Here is a link to their ';DD - Water Box Plus';, under the little picture there is a link ';Click to Enlarge'; with 6 pictures.鈥?/a>

    But what you are really asking for is the measurements, the dimensions so you can lay out the plastic and cut and drill holes without making mistakes. I don't know where to find that information.


    The first order of business is to measure, measure, and measure again.

    If you can get a used computer you can take it apart and measure the components, the CD/DVD drives, the hard drives, the back of the computer case where the card-slot-openings are located, and the plate where the motherboard is mounted, you need to measure the locations for all the mounting posts. The case should be no more than 5 years old as case designs and motherboards have changed considerably since year 2000.

    You're on your own, but if you take really good notes and make drawings, you can post all that to a website for bragging rights.

    Good luck !

    Here are some ideas.
    the expansion slots are pretty standard. Just set the motherboard so that the pci slots will fit. You will be fine
  • eye look
  • Will the epiphone sg g-400 hardshell case fit my epiphone sg g-400 custom?

    If it's an official sg body, there should be minor differences with it. I seriously doubt that there would be any problems with you fitting the guitar in the case. But if you're that worried about it, try it out before you buy it.Will the epiphone sg g-400 hardshell case fit my epiphone sg g-400 custom?
    as opposed to what?, SG's are pretty much the same.

    Custom computer case/paint?

    i was wondering if anyone had any tips on which kind of paint to use on my computers case to customize it

    (i am going to paint it XD)

    and does anyone have a good idea for a theme/image to paint onto the case XD thanks. sorry for my grammar its late and im tiredCustom computer case/paint?
    I frequent PC modding forums, and something that seems to be popular is Engine Enamel... take a look at it here.鈥?/a>

    I think any kind of paint would work really, but why not just follow the trend.Custom computer case/paint?
    Spiderman theme?

    Custom PC Case Power Switch?

    Im startinga project of building my own PC. and i need a power button that would do the immediate start up, and the need to hold the button in order to shut it off (this usually is basic with all PC's).

    would the button below be the right one for the job? PC Case Power Switch?
    Yes + I would put a reset or restart button also.Custom PC Case Power Switch?
    Im pretty sure the button wont make a difference with that, It all comes down to the motherboard. they all usually are like that so you should be good with that button.

    Custom computer case?

    i have a dell dimension 2400 desktp computer and im wanting to get a custom case for it. i am looking at this one here:

    but im wondering since i think my original case is a micro atx, and the case im wanting is an Atx if my motherboard and al parts will fit it and be compatible ?Custom computer case?
    Many different cases have slots for multi-form factors. So in your case, yes the motherboard will fit, just make sure you have the desk space for it. Although, you might have a hard time taking DELL stuff apart as they've gotten really stingy on swaping components. Therefore, I recommend for your warranty to die out or to get new components alltogether.Custom computer case?
    you can get a plate that screws into the ATX holes in the case, and on the other side has the MICRO-ATX for your mobo

    A Good Epiphone Les Paul Custom Guitar CASE!!!!!!?

    i cant seem to find a case for my epi les paul custom!!!!!! A Hard Case not a gig bagA Good Epiphone Les Paul Custom Guitar CASE!!!!!!?
    Just about any case for an electric guitar will work, unless it's made specifically for a non-Les Paul body type (i.e. ES-335, SG, etc.). If you want a case that was made specifically for Les Pauls, Epiphone makes pretty good one that isn't too expensive (see links below). Gibson also makes one, but it costs quite a bit more. I have an Epiphone LP case that I use with my Les Paul Ultra II, and it fits like a glove.

    Just be sure to leave the case open for a couple days before you put your guitar in it. The glue that they use for the lining is a little stinky, so you want it to finish curing (if that's the right term) before storing your guitar in it.

    Custom made cell phone case covers?

    I have a t-mobile G1 and I want a case cover for my cell but I want it to be a lighthouse design cover because I'm obsessed with lighthouses, I've looked in ebay but no look so I was hoping maybe y'all can help me! Let me knoe if y'all know something!Custom made cell phone case covers?
    Look on amazon web site for some lighthouse case covers. Another thing you can is go to google or yahoo search. Type in:

    Lighthouse case G1

    Lighthouse covers G1Custom made cell phone case covers?

    You can request for your own design cover on this site. Affordable and fits your mood all the time.
  • eye look
  • If I want to build a custom laptop, where can I get the main case for the laptop? Will it have to be 2nd hand?

    Looke for whitebooks or barebone laptops. They are all over to buy, and all they include is the disk drive, screen/casing, and mobo.

    Clevo makes good ones, and so does compal, and msi and asustek. They all make the barebone, but the clevos and compal make them for a lot of companies, including Dell, alienware, compaq, and more. Here are som model numbers: Clevo M570U, D900K, and ect.If I want to build a custom laptop, where can I get the main case for the laptop? Will it have to be 2nd hand?
    Wow this is going to be a hard task. I don't know how possible it will be either. Many internal parts are not standard sizes and are tailored to manufacturers own specs (case dimensions and etc). But this is a great idea that I'd love to see to fruition. Maybe you should document the progress and post it on website.If I want to build a custom laptop, where can I get the main case for the laptop? Will it have to be 2nd hand?
    You really can't build custom laptops. The only things on laptops that can be upgraged are network cards and ram. Aleinware laptops allow you to upgrade the video card but thats about it.

    You can get on ebay and buy laptops with better motherboards then the one you are building and switch them out if they are the same model.

    Otherwise it's hacking/moding...
    Actually the computer magazines sell labtop kits, which they focus on selling is only the labtop with the motherboard with the proccessor of your choice.

    Alienware and Dell manufacturers or others will not sell you the labtop by-itself. Its againts their policy.

    I've built labtops, but I dont really get a big selection on the way the labtop case is made, and when I buy a kit, I have to purchase one with a motherboard and processor of my choice. The rest you can custom, like the ram, video card, hard drive ect...
    not so sure but right now maximum pc or perhaps pc magazine , computer have a how to do it on building your own laptop try searching. It is still expensive compared to building a pc but doable. goodluck! Happy building.
    You should take a look at the new Asus C90, it's barebones laptop which takes destop parts in a 15.4'; form factor.

    You can buy it with just a mobo/screen/etc and buy the HDD, processor, memory, graphics card (mxm II) seperatly or fully customised by you on a site like gen tech pc.
    There is no such thing as a custom built laptop. Don't waste your time. Laptops are not built like desktops.

    The board and components for a laptop are designed to only fit that model laptop. You don't pick a case and then pick what motherboard, video adapter, battery, and other components to put in your laptop case. sells 832 computer cases and 0 laptop cases. sells 490 motherboards and 0 laptop motherboards.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Cold Case custom Gibson Epiphone Guitar?

    I found the most amazing electric guitar online. It is a custom epiphone guitar nade just for the cast and crew of the hit CBS show Cold Case.

    Here is the link of the guitar:鈥?/a>

    I love the color and the fact that its cold case. I know they only made 200 to give a gifts but i was wondering if anyone had seen one or knew where i hould look. Im pretty sure there' got to be one out there for sale from someone who got it as a gift and didn't want it.Any help is highly appreciated.


    %26lt;3 Sam

    Cold Case custom Gibson Epiphone Guitar?
    this would be such a waste of money......

    a 'custom gibson epiphone'? now there's a contradiction in terms lol.....nothing custom about an's a second rate guitar at best, the same as the squire is for fender......

    as a novelty and a conversation piece it might be okay, but certainly not worth the money you're going to spend on one if you can find it.

    if you just absolutely have to have one of these, try contacting the studio and/or production team......they should be able to put you in contact with someone who may have one for sale or keep trying ebay....some money grubbing idiot will try and unload one soon enough.....

    but, your money would be better spent buying the real gibson instead of the entry level, cheaper and lower quality epi....... or even better yet go for the best and buy a fender......

    you do know the epiphone is the entry level, minor league version of the gibson for those who can't afford the real, quality instrument right?

    oh, and your link doesn't work btw....not that it really mattered....seen one epi seen them all....they're nothing special

    there are alot of these ';custom' guitars out there and there's nothing 'custom' aobut any of them other than the paint

    Custom plastic case for dell 700m notebook?

    well, i was hoping to find a place online that i can get custiom plastic casing for my notebook. its all damaged and is really ugly, i wanna customize. i know my chances are slim, but im bored and have nothing else to do. thanks.Custom plastic case for dell 700m notebook?
    As a Dell field repair tech I doubt you could find one, but you'd think someone would make a business out of one. Granted it would void all warrenties but if it is out of warrenty...

    BTW. If yours is still in warrenty, we will repair your laptop shell/case.

    What do i need to make a custom baby wipe case?

    a plain color baby wipe case, stickers, a hot glue gun, jewels or sequins, etc.What do i need to make a custom baby wipe case?

    Anyone know any internet site to creat a custom made case for my mp3 player (sansa e200)?

    plz.....i really want to get a case...Anyone know any internet site to creat a custom made case for my mp3 player (sansa e200)? has a bunch of handmade arts and crafts, including iPod cases...I'm not sure if any of them are custom, but search for ';iPod case'; and I'm sure something will come up that you like. Etsy is a really fun site.
  • eye look
  • How to create custom function ';select case'; in excel?

    Excel VBA: Select Case Statement in Excel VBA Macro Code. No More Multiple If/Else Statements.鈥?/a>

    richardHow to create custom function ';select case'; in excel?
    try MS-Excel help!!

    Case for Paul Reed Smith PRS SE Custom Guitar?

    I'm looking for a hard case that will hold a PRS SE Custom. I'd like one that will fit just right, almost like it was meant to hold the SE Custom. Any ideas?Case for Paul Reed Smith PRS SE Custom Guitar?
    Try this one:鈥?/a>

    Monday, January 18, 2010

    Can I Use a DEll XPS 710 720 COMPUTER Case To make My Own Custom Computer??? Plz aswer?

    i want to know if a can make my own custom computer with a Dell XPS 710 720 computer case will there be any problems??? is itpossible? i have a normal EVGA 650i mobo can i put it on?Can I Use a DEll XPS 710 720 COMPUTER Case To make My Own Custom Computer??? Plz aswer?
    Anything is possible, however not easy. Other motherboards do not fit neatly in a Dell case due mainly to the CPU configuration. The heat sink screws into the case. If you like to cut and drill, go for it.

    Do ordered-online custom Oakleys come with soft-shelled case?

    I customized an Oakley Radar Path sunglasses, and I am planning to order them online, but do they come with the soft-shelled case like they would when ordered from the store? Like this case: ordered-online custom Oakleys come with soft-shelled case?
    Where you customize them at their website, you can click on Accessories (right beneath where it says Ear Socks and Etching).

    It says ';Radar Black Soft Vault Case (FREE)';.

    So, yes.

    Where can I buy a personalized or custom cd box/case?

    I want to make my own professional looking cd case or box for some music I'm making. I only want one. Is there any website I could upload some pictures and they would send me my custom design? Is there any way to do this? Thanks.Where can I buy a personalized or custom cd box/case?

    Do ordered-online custom Oakleys come with soft-shelled case?

    I customized an Oakley Radar Path sunglasses, and I am planning to order them online, but do they come with the soft-shelled case like they would when ordered from the store? Like this case: ordered-online custom Oakleys come with soft-shelled case?
    Where you customize them at their website, you can click on Accessories (right beneath where it says Ear Socks and Etching).

    It says ';Radar Black Soft Vault Case (FREE)';.

    So, yes.
  • eye look
  • Can I use my motherboard from an hp computer? its the hp m9152p. into a custom case like Antec - Nine Hundred?

    The motherboard it uses is this

    IPIBL-LB (Benicia)

    m9152p Computer;cc=us%26amp;dlc=en%26amp;lc=en%26amp;jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN

    Antec - Nine Hundred Gaming Case;type=product%26amp;id=1156203597045

    IPIBL-LB (Benicia) - Mother board that the hp is using;dlc=en%26amp;cc=uk%26amp;docname=c01324212

    Will it work? and can I take out the faceplate for the motherboard that it uses? from the hp computer? Or not? Please help me, as I'm reading that this is a very good motherboard, and don't want to spend $150-$250 on a new one, or would it be better to do that? As I'm doing this as I have a gtx 260 and it won't fit in the hp case. I don't know for sure if the faceplate can pop out? or can all motherboard faceplates be popped out?Can I use my motherboard from an hp computer? its the hp m9152p. into a custom case like Antec - Nine Hundred?
    That motherboard is a proprietary one made by Asus for HP. It should fit the Antec case. Usually it has an equivalent Asus retail motherboard. They only differ in BIOS. The retail board usually has tweaking options while the proprietary one has none.

    Inspect the appearance of the faceplate. If it is chrome-plated metal that differs with the material of the case, you can usually pop it out and use it in the Antec case.

    The Antec 900 has enough depth for extra long cards like the GTX260 (~10.5'; long).

    Where can I buy a personalized or custom cd box/case?

    I want to make my own professional looking cd case or box for some music I'm making. I only want one. Is there any website I could upload some pictures and they would send me my custom design? Is there any way to do this? Thanks.Where can I buy a personalized or custom cd box/case?

    I Can't Turn On My Alienware Aurora Custom Case?

    I Bought An Alienware Aurora Custom Case And %26amp; Uninstall My Emachines T3516 Computer To Install It In The Aurora Case I Plug Everything Like It Was In My Older Com But Finally I Don't Know How To Plug The Power Cables There Are 3 Very Thick Cables %26amp; 1 Ultra Mega Thin Cable That Come From The Comp Face (Where Is Supposed To Be The Power Switch) I Can Connect The 3 Thick Cables But The Skinny (POWER SW) Cable , I Don't Know Where In My Emachines Motherboard It Has To Be Connected Please HELP!!!!!!!!!!I Can't Turn On My Alienware Aurora Custom Case?
    Make sure all of the colors match up.

    If you can't plug in a computer I recommend returning it and never buying anything that uses electricity ever again.I Can't Turn On My Alienware Aurora Custom Case?
    look very closely at the motherboard, the power sw cable will connect to a 2 pin connector. Right next to one of the many 2 pin connectors on the motherboard is very small white letter. somewhere there will be one that says power sw, thats where you will want to put it. Generally, that is at the bottem edge of the motherboard

    Schecter Synyster Custom guitar case, just the case?

    help me find oneSchecter Synyster Custom guitar case, just the case?
    here ya go!鈥?/a>

    Can I switch pc components from brand case to a custom case?

    Hi, I have an HP Slimline s3500f, and lately i've added a graphic card onto it (this real shitty eGeforce FX 5200), and apparently it works fine, but it's running way below the recommended power supply. i've always been struggling with the size of this thing, and it's very hard for me to upgrade things with this thing, then i realized something:

    is it possible to take EVERYTHING from this slimline case, to a BIGGER CASE? or is it impossible because it's custom built?

    thank youCan I switch pc components from brand case to a custom case?
    Well u can get a new case, but not a bigger one

    The Slimline uses a mini ITX motherboard

    those are one of the smallest kinds of mother boards on the market

    most cases are deisgned with ATX cases in mind

    they support micro ATX, ATX, and E-ATX

    but if u want a case taht supports mini ITX. u wont find a biger one

    the slimline is about the size of a normal Mini ITX caseCan I switch pc components from brand case to a custom case?
    It should be possible as long as you have the right screws for the components you are moving and have an anti-static strap to prevent your computer from frying from a static electricity spark. Just be VERY careful to only touch the edges of the components and be gentle with them.
    As long as the components (cd burner etc.) are standard size then go for it.

    Where can I get a custom cut foam case?

    I have quite a few ocarinas that I need to get a new case for, where could I get one with exact cuts like this?鈥?/a>Where can I get a custom cut foam case?
    Maybe this place.
  • eye look
  • I'm building a custom case for my computer - how can I adequately cool it?

    I'm building a small form-factor PC with a custom case, and the computer components are very close to each other (such as the laptop hard drive and the heatsinks). I have two 40 mm fans, and I am unsure how to place them for maximum effect.

    Would it be better to have one fan pulling air in and another on the other side pushing it out, or should I have both fans pushing the air out one side and vents allowing air in the other side? Which would cool best and why?

    Thank you in advance for your help.I'm building a custom case for my computer - how can I adequately cool it?
    If you are going to build your own CPU case you need to pay attention to proper airflow. Front to back and bottom to top.

    Basic PC cooling config:

    1. Power supply fan (internal). Which if placed on top rear of unit could draw some air up and out of unit.

    2. CPU fan. On some units like Dell they have a custom enclose to draw all CPU heat out the back instead of all around where it has to be removed using the case fan. Notebooks / Laptops use combination heat sink and custom fan enclosures to cool the CPU and draw heat from the rest of the laptop.

    3. Case fan. Draw heat out the back of the unit

    4. Ventilation holes. Strategically placed to ensure air flow. There are many holes on the front Chassis of a PC for that reason. There also may be ventilation holes on the bottom side for airflow to expansion cards.

    5. You can also maximize ventilation further by using round cables. Such as round SATA cables.

    Generally intake is done passively. This also reduces noise this way. If you decide for a more open cage style chassis like the Antec 900 airflow issues are reduced and you are just trying to blow away the heat than intake fans are probably better but the problem with this design is dust and little bit more noise.

    40mm is small I would make them both exhaust fans.

    I'm building a custom case for my computer - how can I adequately cool it?
    The best placement for fans is to have one on the bottom front of the case drawing air in, and one on the back near the top exhausting air out. This creates a sort of wind tunnel effect in the case, and since heat rises, the back fan will be removing the hot air from the case. Try to keep the amount of air being drawn in and the amount of air being exhausted out close to each other.
    the better your airflow, the better your computer can cool itself.

    for maximum low temperatures, i would make sure the wiring is neat and out of the way. that way, air can move more easily. also if possible, use a good thermal paste for your processor, such as Artic Silver.

    as for fan placement, I would have 1 intake and 1 outtake. Fresh cool air comes in and hot stale air goes out.

    with that done, your SFF case should remain sufficiently cool
    Great start a 40mm fan. I have a Thermaltake 500watt with that fan; Ithink it blows down. I only have that one and two 92mm stacked in the back to quiet them and provide ambient cooling all through the ATX case. This Power Supply is for a taller tower (BTX).
    heres one. its cheap and works great. use one of those summer fans, thatll bring the heat down, but seriosuly maybe buy a liquid cooling system or Zalmon heatsinks and fans. Heard those work nicely.
    Cases usually have holes which you place the fans.

    that should be good enough.

    I need a custom case for all my electronics the size of a little notebook ? Do you know where and how?

    Hello, i have a few electronics that i use and would like to have with me. right now alls i do is just through them in a gym bag. Yes they do get scratched up.

    My question is that if there is any way of making or buying a little case for all of them like the size of a note book or binder with foam cut outs or whatever buttons or pockets.... I have an iPod with one cord...... a small camera with 3 cords....PDA with a small cradle and cords it also has a key board about the same size....i have a GPS with car charger and a big stand is there any way to buy this if so web site plz . I cant make it my self I am not that creative.

    ThankyouI need a custom case for all my electronics the size of a little notebook ? Do you know where and how?
    pc world sell small laptop/notebook padded sleeves with pockets which maybe what you looking for

    Custom case manufacturers?

    Does anyone know where I can get a desktop computer case custom manufactured? I want to have it built according to a certain theme. I don't want it merely airbrush painted. I want it built according to my specifications.

    Does anyone know where I can find a company that manufactures cases, and also will undertake a custom design project?


    Boy WonderCustom case manufacturers?
    Well..the closest i could find

    was only custom airbrushing like you stated

    you didn't want, i understand what you are looking for.

    but i really don't think there is a market out there for it.

    It just doesn't seem like something that would

    sell very good because I am sure it would cost quite

    a bit more then the average joe would want to spend

    for a cool looking case.

    Will the Epiphone Custom HARD CASE fit my Ibanez ART100?

    I would think it would, since ART100's are pretty much Ibanez Les Pauls.

    Transferring dell computer into custom case?

    I have a dell dimension 4700 and i want to transfer esentially the entire system into a new custom case however before i buy the case i want to see how difficult its going to be so if anyone knows of a tutorial for this subject then plz post also heres the link to the case im trying to import my system into;cat=CAS%26amp;cpc=CASbsc

    any help appreciated thx guysTransferring dell computer into custom case?
    external drive.Transferring dell computer into custom case?
    you might wind up having more trouble with that than you would expect. Since the computer was made by Dell, they have done a few things to make sure that it stays a Dell, in a Dell case.

    The power supply, front panel connectors, and a few other connectors may have been made custom to prevent people from placing either their Dell system into a non-dell case or counterfeiting a dell by placing a non-dell system in the dell case.

    Even if they look standard, there may be some other tricks played that would make it difficult. i know HP uses an inverted PWR_GOOD signal on their systems so that you can't upgrade the power supply (which also doesn't fit well into other cases).

    Go ahead and try it, but don't expect it to go too smoothly. On the other hand it may go well.

    All you should need to do is unplug everything, unscrew the drives, all the expansion cards, and the mainboard, and remove them in that order. install the mainboard in the other case and screw it in securely (USE STANDOFFS!!!). connect the power supply and front panel connectors. then install and plug in the drives (you should be able to use all the drive data cables from the other system if needed), and then the expansion cards.

    there is a lot of circuit protection stuff there so you shouldn't need to worry about blowing anything up when you turn it on if you made it this far. Good Luck!
    it should be pretty easy. the case looks like it can handle any major ATX based all it would involve is taking all the crap out of the dell and puttingit into the new one. if you dont know how to do you need to make sure you have a friend that has built a computer before there to surpervise. if youve ever built a computer, this is just like that except for the fact that your getting all the parts from an preexisting computer. nothing hard, straight forward.

    Custom case help plz

    is there any kind of website where you can make your custom case eg like how big is it or how many fans you can put init and what kind of material it is Custom case help plz
    There are some customer computer builders that will make a computer to whatever specification you tell them. Are they expensive? Very. But they will make your computer out of aluminum, steel, plexiglass, wood, leather, cardboard, 2 day old roasted meat, old shoes...anything. They will put whatever components inside that you tell them too.

    None of these custom computer builders though have a website that lets you pick and choose the material of the computer, you will need to tell them specifically what you want. No manufacturer that I am aware of lets you choose between different materials directly from their website, you need to get in telephone or email contact with them first.

    Below are links to two custom builders that are very famous for their creations. The first is Suissa Computers which make cases that are works of Art first, computers second...鈥?/a>

    There is also Protocase, who will even let you CAD design your own case with their software...

    There are also companies that will take a regular case and do impressive paint mods to it like...

    If you are willing to restrict your options to pre-made aluminum or plexi cases, the granddaddy of case mod websites is Xoxide... case help plz
    what type of case are you looking for, be specific. and umm
  • eye look
  • Where can you buy a custom fly rod case online?

    I'm looking for a 42 inch fly rod caseWhere can you buy a custom fly rod case online?

    They have everything or call 1 - 800 - 227-7776

    1-800-BASS PRO just in case I messed it up . They should have exactly what you want or need.Where can you buy a custom fly rod case online?
    What type of case are you looking for exactly? there are many ready made tubes made from aluminium and cordura available on the market, these are tough and light and fit most fly rods and often do have a carry strap.

    If your intending to get one made i assume your rod is on more than three sections? as this would be the only way to keep the case size small. I think that your best option of getting one made is a company that makes things from leather as this seems the only material to me that would make a strong and rigid case for your rod, that could be made unique to you.

    Rod tubes鈥?/a>

    Custom Case for bass? (hey, that rhymes)?

    I have a Dean Flying V bass and I'm trying to find something to carry it around in so I can take it to school. people keep tellinCustom Case for bass? (hey, that rhymes)?鈥?/a>

    Putting my hp in a custom case.?

    I have the HP M8330f pc. its a pretty decent pc but the hp cases are extremely small. I know how to build a computer, I have some knowledge in it but not really transferring parts. So I just wanted to make sure all the HP parts could find a nice case to fit in.Putting my hp in a custom case.?
    Yeah you can do that...just need to know what form factor the motherboard is......micro atx....atx.....etc.....if it is a atx a 900 antec case would give you what your looking for......roomy and good air circulation.....scottPutting my hp in a custom case.?
    I wouldn't do it without experience.

    What case should i get for my custom computer?

    i need a case for my build ( 50 bucks or so on please)...will have the following: case should i get for my custom computer?
    Since you are planning on having a Micro ATX motherboard. I would suggest you get either a mini-tower or mid-tower case, since full-towers are pretty much useless for Micro ATX motherboards:鈥?/a> - This case is the one I would suggest you getting.

    Also, I would also suggest that you get a motherboard that has PCIe 2.0 x16 bus instead of a PCIe x16 bus, since your graphics card is optimized for PCIe 2.0.

    Hope this helped! :)What case should i get for my custom computer?
    Hi. Cases come in many styles from sleek to gaudy. Just make sure it has adequate ventilation then ';Ya pays ya money and ya takes your choice...';

    How do u get a custom iphone case like on psych.?

    ok how do u get a custom ipod touch or iphone case like spencer on pshcycHow do u get a custom iphone case like on psych.?
    I got my iPhone Case Here :



    Hope I Helped :DHow do u get a custom iphone case like on psych.?
    i got one for my itouch.


    they dont make it for the touch so it is a little big and has random holes but its really awesome!
    Shawn: Gus this guy said something about us on yahoo answers Gus: This is because I'm black right Shawn: Black? I thought you were always white Gus: whatever let's just solve this guy case Shawn: I'm seeing something a custom iphone case on ebay.

    How much would i get for this computer (tower in a custom case) English pounds if possible?

    amd athlon 64x2 duel, 4200+ 2.21ghz, 2gb ram, 80gb harddrive, geforce 6100 nforce405How much would i get for this computer (tower in a custom case) English pounds if possible?
    $50 too little specs, and little stuf, plus a desktopHow much would i get for this computer (tower in a custom case) English pounds if possible?
    Thats a fast machine however it's lack of storage space and low end GPU bring it down.

    PC's are so common now that it is very hard to put a price on a pc just by it's spec. often its brand name will heavily influence the price (i don't think it should, but it does).

    I hope that helps.

    I think that'd go for 拢200. but thats just a quick guess.
    See what they are going for on Ebay鈥?/a>

    I doubt the box is worth much 拢50 - 拢75, it is software that adds value.
    Only way to find out for sure is to sell it.
    old specs - hence 拢60 at best.
  • eye look
  • I Want To Buy A Custom Computer Case For My E-machines T3516 Can I Do It ? , Cause I Can't Find Any!!!?

    I Found Like A Million Computer Cases On The Internet But I Just Want To Know If I : (Have To Buy An Especific Case For My Emachines T3516 Desktop PC?) Or If I : (Just Buy The One I Like Because All Can Fit To Any Computer) Help Please!!!!I Want To Buy A Custom Computer Case For My E-machines T3516 Can I Do It ? , Cause I Can't Find Any!!!?
    You can buy ANY computer case for an emachine.

    Unlike dells, Emachines have standard coputer pards so you can easily switch them out.

    You probably don't want to even invest in a second emachine case, rather, find one that looks nice and has ample storage and expansion opportunaties.

    Hope this helpsI Want To Buy A Custom Computer Case For My E-machines T3516 Can I Do It ? , Cause I Can't Find Any!!!?
    You can use any case. You just have to use a screwdriver to take the insides out of your emachines one and put them into a new case.

    Does anyone know where you can get a custom iPod case made?

    Google that sh!t.Does anyone know where you can get a custom iPod case made?
    apple store

    Where (website/company) could I get a custom computer case built?

    A case that I designed myself I mean, because I don't have the resources or tools to make it on my own.Where (website/company) could I get a custom computer case built?
    You can build your own online here: (website/company) could I get a custom computer case built?
    That is not where you would build a custom case it is where you could build a custom computer. The question asked where to get a custom case, that means what you put the computer in, or the shell....

    Report Abuse

    I would vote your answer but I dont have enough points, thumbs down read the whole question next time:)

    Report Abuse

    I'd go to a local machine/sheet metal shop. It ain't going to be cheap.

    How can I print a custom cover of Madden 10 and use it as my actual cover for the game case?

    I want to download one, print it, and slip it under the plastic on the case. How can I do it? I know you can.How can I print a custom cover of Madden 10 and use it as my actual cover for the game case?
    First find out the dimensions for the original cover to see how much room you have for your custom one. slide out the current cover by opening the case and bending it backwards to make the plastic wrapping lift up, and slide in your custom cover to replace it. Then if you just want a front cover, you can be as cheap as to just use simple letter paper used in your printer. If you want to be flashy you can print on glossy photo paper too. However if you want a front-and-back cover like the original, you're going to have to get some longer paper I believe for a professional look. Alternatively you can print it on two pages and overlap them just right.

    Building a custom computer case, Framework?

    I plan on trying to fabricate my own computer case, the only trouble is that I dont think i am going to be successful in building the framework, does anyone know where i can purchase parts to build computer case frames?Building a custom computer case, Framework?
    Depends on how complex the case and how good you are, start off building a disaster. Something I know and you know you will fudge up.

    Basic box, 1/2 in MDF build a box that is matched to your current or specs online. I like to line the inside and outside with Fiberglass use a small piece of 3/4 inch MDF for making triangles to make the case sturdy. As for the HD cages I either get some offline depending on the size of my case and they layout I need for airflow. Another reason I glass the inside of the case is for airflow. If you want more info email me. But, it's not too hard just a learning process. Other ways include making a basic box frame and stapling fiberglass sheets. Either way it's up to you.

    AS others have said yes it's cheaper to buy one and have it shipped or goto a compusa and get one in person. under $25 probably. But, you asked how, not what's cheaper.Building a custom computer case, Framework?
    Building a case? I suggest against it. You will end up spending more money on parts than just buying a case. Money that could be spent on a better cpu, graphics card etc. If you wanna still build your own heres how to build a plexi-glass case:

    May want to consider buying a quality windowed case. Then you can personalize it with LED fans, UV tubes, UV cables etc,

    As far as Ebay goes, a cheapo $15-$20 case with a blue LED is far from a gaming case. What they do on Ebay is charge you $20 for the case then 30-40 for shipping. That way they only pay fees for $20 and make all their profit on shipping. I suggest you go to Newegg and look for cases with free shipping. Heres a Black Friday deal on the Antec 900.

    $59.99 with free shipping. A steal for that case.

    Thats a true gaming case and you can get it for about the same price as one of those piece of junk cases off Ebay after you pay for shipping:鈥?/a>
    I've purchased cheap cases off of and stripped them down till I have the basic architecture. Then I place the framework into my case. Done it a few time with success.

    I've done shelling cases too. That is easy and all you need to do is move the buttons and migrate the drives forward.
    lots of people complain about ebay but i really see know problem. go on there mate, you should have no troubles and the items are usually of quality, and of course extremely cheap. your looking at $15 for a quality gaming case :]